Participate in our online community where you can exchanges ideas and share strategies for using Open Educational Resources (OER) to support CSU's Nursing Programs and Initiatives
it's free and easy - CSU OER for Nursing Community Conversations uses MERLOT Voices to provide you free and open access to online community communication tools to start and sustain forums for your fellow OERC colleagues to share successes, ask questions, pose problems, and for the OERC community members to respond to your needs in a timely and simple manner.
After you've become a member of MERLOT, click on "My Profile" on the maroon navigation bar on the MERLOT home page. Scroll down until you see "Associations". Click edit and Add "OERN - Open Educational Resources-Nursing" to the "Associations" field. Fill out the rest of the information as needed.
The International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research (INCTR), and MERLOT have partnered to create the OERC portal.
© 2012 California State University
Concept and design by the Center for Distributed Learning